Aug 21, 2012

I see them

I see them walking the streets with their eyes on the ground, following the shadow that the sun casts from behind their backs. I see them walking to the destination determined by something else than their hearts. I see them walking in the dark because they are afraid of the light. I see them crashing a snail on the ground when they run to catch the bus and riding through the town without seeing who is on the bus with them or who is driving. I see them spending eight ours of their day in an unhappy place, smiling the polite smile without the heart, the smile they were taught at age six. I see them turning their eyes away when they see something ugly, something poor or something disturbing. I see them walking away without helping. 
I see them being cold and calculative. I see them being strict about the unwritten rules. I see their eyes filled with emptiness and hollowness, I feel the cold breeze when they walk past me. I see them avoiding their neighbors. I see them confused when a stranger says hi to them. I see them being ready to feed you to the sharks. I see them concerned about protecting what is ‘theirs’ and not giving a shit about what is ‘someone else’s’. I see them being caught in the past and not letting go. I see them constantly reminding themselves about the bad. 
I see them trying to unhappy the happiness. I see them being oblivious. 
I see them trashing the nature, I see them spending millions in a piece of road that is unnecessary. 
I see them talking behind someone’s back and acting up in front of them.
 I see them changing their opinion without ever truly having one. I see them lying, cheating and avoiding the truth. I see them going in to the doctors office for a headache and walking away with a pill that has a headache as a side-effect. I see them going into houses instead of homes. I see them waiting for someone else to tell them what to do or where to go next. I see them getting an education they don't want. I see them stabbing the back of the friend they are hugging. I see them wearing the same shade of gray. I see them making empty promises and being sad when a promise is broken to them.
 I see them blackmailing and playing games. I see them holding grudge. I see them trying to blame someone else for their mistakes. I see them making a big deal out of nothing and turning a big deal into nothing. 
I see them shouting and not listening. 
I see them gossiping. I see them not being tolerant. I see them being alone. I see them not understanding the connection between mind, body and nature. I see them getting back at each other and not forgiving. I see them faking. You see them as being shy; I see them as thinking they’re just better off without you. I see them having the negative set of mind. I see them thinking ‘it could be worse so I better settle for this’. I see them being angry at the traffic jam caused by themselves. I see them buying everything they want – clothes, power, friends, love ones. I see them not knowing what love is. 
I see them. I see them and it scares me for I am them. 
I see them in me. I am You. You are me. 
If I don’t change, will You?

Aug 15, 2012

Break the Silence, Save a Life

The schools have started again and hundreds of first graders are out there again. Bullying is still, even in our smart society, a huge issue in schools. How to teach kids about bullying, what it is, how much it hurts and how it affects people even school is way in the past..?  

A teacher had a pretty effective way to approach the issue. She gave the children, a blank peace of white paper, each had one. The teacher asked the kids to look closely at the paper, how clean and white it is and then to make it a ball, twist it, turn it, fold it, kick it and step on it - no tearing apart though. After the beating up was done, she asked the class to each open their paper as straight as possible and say "I'm sorry". Then she told the class to look at the paper how grumbled, hurt and dirty it was and that that would be exactly what the bullied has gone through. And even though you say "I'm sorry", it did not and will not make the marks go away.