First I thought all or nothing is a bad thing and life sould not be a battle like that. But it is... It is all or nothing.. There is no half-way freedom - you're either a prisoner or a free man. Either you eat or you starve to death. Either you love or you don't. You're life is about you, what makes you happy, you follow that path. No one ever goes to a place where they know they can't be happy or where they get hurt, you avoid it. When you do what you want and what you love, you do it with all or nothing mindset. You make it happen, you dedicate yourself to that, you don't just let it go, you want to fight for it. To me, All or nothing is not using the ESC-button when it doesn't work, it's the opposite. It's putting yourself on the line, jumping off the edge, taking the leap. You have so little time here so why hold back and play it safe. "I want to, but.." well, then no you don't. If you want to, if you love, you make it happen. There are no "but´s" in doing, doubting isn't part of wanting to make it happen and dedicating yourself to your life.
Live your life with everything you have. Take the leap. Go and say you love someone if you do, quit your job and travel if you want to, move out of that place where you're not happy with yourself, say yes or no - lose the i don't knows and maybes when it's about 'do you want to', there will always be a way to make it happen, open your eyes and see it. And yes, you're going to make mistakes but you are going to do those anyways, playing it safe doesn't take them away. Remember that you are the one who loses the game if you don't truly play it. Play your game, live your life. Don't fall in to the pit of misery, unhappiness and decisions made for you. You make yourself happy, no one else can do that for you. You can be happy with someone but the ultimate happiness is you in you.
good stuff. personally, i like it. <3